How to Improve Your Product Photos

Consumers judge products based on what they perceive their value to be. That’s why the look and feel of a product are so important. For subscription boxes sold online, photos are the closest the consumer gets to picking up the product. How your subscription box is seen by a subscriber factors into how much value they

Cratejoy is an all in one subscription commerce platform that includes everything you need to start your own subscription box business online.

Blogging Success for Subscription Startups


Blogging can help you communicate with current subscribers and potential customers, gain and maintain a good reputation, and increase your sales exponentially. An entertaining, well-written blog breathes life into the business it serves and helps spread the word via its valuable content. In short, you need a blog to push your business’ success to the next level.

How to Hire an Awesome Product Photographer

Online sellers have a lot of explaining to do. There’s no sales rep on the floor guiding customers through available inventory. Your buyers can’t touch or feel the quality of your product through a virtual storefront. In ecommerce, what you see is what you get—which makes contracting a professional product photographer absolutely essential to your success.

Beautiful, clear images sell. It is that simple. Photos add personality, context and value to your brand, even if what you’re selling inside your subscription box is always changing. While there are many tools and resources for DIY photography, hiring a professional is your best bet. They understand what works and can help plan shoots, scout locations and select props.

We caught up with Gerry Flynn, Cratejoy seller and owner of Austin’s paleo food service “Fixed Foods.” He gave us an inside look at how he hired a photographer to bring his brand and products to life for his online shop.