You’ve probably already noticed, but there has been a lot of moving and shaking here at Cratejoy. Our team has been working tirelessly building, testing, collecting seller feedback and reworking features for a better Cratejoy experience. Something we hear more than anything else is, “How do I know what’s going on over there in Austin, TX?
Cratejoy Case Study: The Planner Addict Box “My initial launch, May 2014, had 150 subscribers. Today, in February 2016, we have 1,700… And I can’t wait to see where it grows!” Planner Addict Box founder Vienna Ortiz is being humble. For both her boxes – a second, sticker-centric collection debuted later on – it’s more like 2,000. But who’s counting?
Something we don’t talk enough about is the fact that subscription crates and services in their current form are only possible because of the way technology and communications have developed over the past few years. Logistics, shipping, transactions and even simple customer service have all been revolutionized in the very recent past. As a software
Cratejoy is the primary software platform for subscription commerce the world over. One of the most exciting aspects of being an industry leader in an emerging industry, especially one that gives such freedom and power to small businesses, is being able to use the data, experiences, and insights we’ve collected over the last two years.
May 2016 will mark the one-year anniversary of The Book(ish) Box, a subscription crate spinoff of the Appraising Pages Shop that launched last spring, packaging exclusive T-shirts with fandom- and literary-inspired, useful and beautiful handcrafted objects sourced from other artisans and small shops. That first box sold less than 100 subscriptions, against the owner Justine’s
Cratejoy is the primary software platform for subscription commerce the world over. One of the most exciting aspects of being an industry leader in an emerging industry, especially one that gives such freedom and power to small businesses, is being able to use the data, experiences, and insights we’ve collected over the last two years.
Sellers: We’re excited to announce a small update to our cancellation and refund experiences that can have a big impact on your business. A few weeks ago we launched a new analytics page focused on churn, or subscriber cancellations: Specifically, the right information at the right time to help you get insight into why subscribers
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been helping sellers focus more on attrition rate—also known as churn. Churn describes a common, inescapable, but dangerous metric: The rate at which you lose subscribers. For subscription businesses, churn can be one of the metrics most requiring your attention, mainly due to its affect on your growth as a