The Lure of Local Subscription Boxes

Buying local is a movement that has taken all types of commerce by storm. Individual consumers have taken a strong interest in knowing the story behind the products they buy: where they come from, who made them and under what conditions.

The evolution of artisan and craft marketplaces has also placed an emphasis on supporting homegrown businesses and quality, handmade goods. People are seeking out items that represent either familiar or uniquely interesting culture characteristics.

Several subscription boxes have begun to capitalize on this trend and offer regional products that give the buyer a taste of a state or city’s local flavor.

Here’s why owning and buying local subscriptions are worth your while:

5 Monthly Subscription Boxes to Celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day is tricky business. You want to find a practical gift that is useful but also reflects personality. Heading out to a department store and picking out a card with cuff links is fine but lacks points for originality.

Monthly subscription boxes are a great way to purchase timeless gifts and present them in a new and exciting fashion. These 6 subscriptions were handpicked and stamped with Cratejoy approval by our engineering team.

*Gifting during a steakhouse dinner highly recommended, though not included.*

Cratejoy is an all in one subscription commerce platform that includes everything you need to start your own subscription box business online.

How to Pitch Your Subscription Ecommerce Business to Bloggers

Subscription-model ecommerce businesses are sprouting up across various industries and prove that the market for consumers seeking out niche products delivered to their door is much larger than expected. Box of the month startups have many options for growing and finding new customers through social media, content marketing and paid promotions. Pitching well-known bloggers is a great method for putting your product in front of your target audience.

Before you start sending cold-emails and asking bloggers to write about your business, it is important to understand bloggers are people too. A well-curated blog is often a person’s full-time gig or passion project that they deeply care about. Don’t waste their time by failing to research their audience or the topics they usually cover. Make sure your pitch is thoughtful, personalized and free of spelling or grammatical errors.

We chatted with Stephanie Bruce, Founder and Owner of PäshBox, a monthly scarf subscription service. In our Q&A, Stephanie explains how to discover and engage bloggers that are valuable for business.

5 Mother’s Day Subscription Box Gift Ideas Any Woman Would Love

Mother’s Day is around the corner! The reservations at the best local restaurant are full, the flower shops are overwhelmed with orders and you want to step your game up from last year’s Hallmark card.

Subscription boxes make a unique and thoughtful gift that doesn’t wilt after a few days. The Cratejoy team has hand-selected 5 awesome, affordable subscription boxes that any woman in your life-wife, mother, grandmother or aunt- would love.

Subscription Boxes to Look for in 2014

There are so many different subscription boxes available right now – from dog toys to cheese to craft supplies. While there are a bunch of options to choose from, there are also a large number of the same types of boxes available (like snack boxes… there are so many snack boxes). We love all our