Cratejoy is an all in one subscription commerce platform that includes everything you need to start your own subscription box business online.

Marketplace Feature Updates: May 2019

Happy Tuesday! This month, Cratejoy is thrilled to bring you a whole host of brand-new feature updates. We know you have asked for more control over your brand experience on the Cratejoy Marketplace, and we hear you. We’re eager to show off the features we’re introducing to make your listing even better this summer! More

Introducing Cratejoy for Shopify

Building on Our Roots Founded in 2013, Cratejoy began as a SaaS platform providing an all-in-one solution for people looking to start, manage, and grow their own subscription box businesses. In that time, we’ve built additional features to increase the capabilities available to merchants, as well as grow the subscription ecosystem by building the first-ever

SubSummit 2019: Retention Marketing 101

Welcome to Part 2 of our SubSummit 2019 overview! Today, we’ll discuss Retention Marketing 101 with successful box businesses Southern Scholar, Smartass and Sass, Snail Mail for Kids, and Faithbox. Why Retention Marketing Matters “Retention marketing” is a phrase that gets tossed around when you work in a consumer-facing business, especially a subscription-based one. Essentially,