In our quest to find and give you the most useful information as possible about subscriber loss, also known as “churn” or “attrition rate,” we’ve launched a feature in the seller Dashboard to give insight as to why each subscriber is canceling.
You’ll now see it under your Analytics section:
Our goal here is to provide you with all the data you need to understand and address the reasons you may be losing subscribers.
1. Sign into your seller Dashboard, select Analytics from the menu on the left, and click Cancellations.
2. Take some time to explore the various individual reasons subscribers gave for canceling. We’ve provided an open-ended comment section to get that extra info, and we think you’ll be surprised by how often customers take advantage of that chance to speak their minds.
If you have any questions about this new feature, or about churn in general, don’t hesitate to drop by the forum or sending us an e-mail at And thanks!